Hoi zäme
STA- und DYN-Training. Für USZ-Mitglieder.
Und Neueinsteiger / Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen für einen Probemonat.
Treffpunkt um 19.30 Uhr bei der Kasse des Schwimmbads Oerlikon.
Mitzubringen sind Maske und Flossen, und falls vorhanden Neoprenanzug, Stoppuhr, Bleigurt.
Interessierte bitte hier eintragen (Kommentarfeld).
Bis am Dienstag.
Hello everybody
STA and DYN Training. For USZ Members.
And newcomers are welcome for a trial month.
Meeting at 7.30 pm, at the entrance of Oerlikon Pool.
Bring Mask and Fins, and if you have a wetsuit, stopwatch, weightbelt.
Interested people please sign up here (use comment field below).
cu on tuesday.
5 Kommentare:
Dear Manou,
I'm interested in trying freediving class tomorrow.
I have mask (probably it has too big volume for freediving, but should do for the start), snorkel, fins and a watch. But I don't have wetsuit and weight belt.
I'm quite a good swimmer, but never had a freediving class.
Please let me know what else should I bring.
Thank you and see you tomorrow!
Hello Manou,
Thanks for the opportunity! I would also like to come tomorrow.
Have the opposite problem, I have a wetsuite, but don't have mask/fins. Will it be possible to rent those?
Hello maos
We will bring a Mask. And Fins according your shoe size - what size do you have?
Hello Yury
That's fine. Just bring your mask, fins and watch.
cu tomorrow
I have size 42. Thanks a lot!
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